Sedona Local Delivery Information


Thank you for your interest in Blue Meets Greens live, organic microgreens. Our greens are grown indoors, hydroponically, using only coconut fiber pads, organic seeds and pure, filtered water.  They are delivered to you live, in the pads in which they are grown. Below, you will find information on pricing, how to order, how to pay, how deliveries work, how to care for the greens and more. 


1 order = (1) 5.25” X 7.5” pad of live greens – any variety

1 = $8

2 = $15

3 = $20

Add $5 for each additional order.


If you are interested in having greens delivered, simply email us at

After your first order, you’ll be placed on an email list. Each Sunday evening, an email will be sent with the list of greens available for delivery the following Tuesday. You can unsubscribe at any time.


We accept cash, Venmo or Zelle at the time of delivery. 


We will be delivering on Tuesdays of most weeks.  Our sustainability practices dictate that we re-use all packaging. Please save all containers for pick-up upon the next order. In warmer months, if you will not be home at the scheduled time of delivery, please place an ice chest or cooler bag on the front porch and the greens will be placed there. 


Our greens are delivered live in order to provide the freshest and most nutrient dense product available.  With proper care, they will last up to two weeks, depending on the variety.  Make sure you keep enough water in the bottom of the container to keep the roots wet but not so much that the pad is swimming in water.  Water only from the side of the tray. Do not mist or spray the greens with water. They can be placed in the refrigerator, uncovered.  If they have water but you see that they are wilting, it means that your refrigerator is a bit too cold.  Just remove them from the refrigerator and leave them on the counter and out of direct sunlight. 


In order to get the highest nutritional value from the greens, it is best to harvest them immediately before eating.  You can simply cut them off with a knife or scissors near the roots, or pull them straight up and out of the pad and trim any roots that you don’t want to eat.  The roots are edible as well but most people prefer to trim them off.  Except for wheatgrass, which will grow back several times, the live microgreens will not grow back after being cut. 

Coconut Fiber Pads:

The coconut fiber pads used as our grow medium are reusable and compostable.  (However, you need a very hot compost pile for them to break down properly.)  It is not mandatory, but if you’d like to save the pads and you have not cut them up, you may return them to us.  We will pick up any whole pads, (5.25” X 7.5”), at the next delivery.  There is no need to clean them.  We will clean, sanitize and reuse them. 

Trays Provided:

Reusable, food-safe plastic trays in which the greens are grown will be provided.  The trays measure approximately 12” X 18” and have a plastic “riser” in the bottom which helps hold the roots up and out of the water.  Each tray holds up to 4 of the coconut fiber pads.  You simply return the tray and riser when the next one is delivered. 

Thanks again for your interest in Blue Meets Greens Organic Microgreens.  Please do not hesitate to contact us at with any further questions or comments.